Yeong Ran Suh (DK)

Ran is a choreographer and artist-researcher who resides in Copenhagen and partly in Seoul. Based on her autoethnography, she has created multidisciplinary performances upon shamanism and traditional dances from post-colonial perspectives. After relocating to Denmark, she engaged in a climate activism performance group, Becoming Species. She sees the potential in intertwined narratives of decentralized collective activism, multispecies practices, and relearning indigenous cosmology & ancestral tradition. Her current practice is participating in and writing these movements and regenerating everyday communal rituals. She studied MFA in Choreography at KNUA and MA in Religious Studies at KU. Her major works include I Confess My Faith (2012), The God of the Earth Comes Up Imperfectly (2013), The Death of Vagina (2015), Floating Bottle Project (2016–2019) and most recently ‘We/Re Confess Our Faith (2023).

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