Lara Ostan (DK)

Lara is a choreographer/dancer currently based in Copenhagen. In her work she investigates how (new) sensuous paradigms and our entanglement with them inform the constitution of perceived and shared realities. She explores how aesthetic narratives of process and change inform actual change, and how our experience of motion shapes contemporary mythologies. Lara works with dancing and embodiment processes, other mediums, such as film and text, are used in her artistic practice to mold and carry, or further develop logics of dancing. Her major works include THE SWIMMER (2022), HIKE (2022) and Body Maintenance (2021- present). She is co-founder of KOMMA Performance Productions, a member driven and collective association, supporting the development and production of dance works, based in Copenhagen. Lara holds a BA in Dance and Choreography from the Danish National School of Performing Arts, and is currently being educated as a somatic movement practitioner in BMC®.

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