Marina Cherry (BE)

Author and performer, KAIHO

Marina Cherry is a contortionist/acro-dancer, educated at ESAC (Brussels) and ENC (Montreal). Her research-based approach to creation and performing puts her somewhere between dance, contemporary circus and physical theatre; with her body as the tool of manipulation and method for redefining traditional constructs and deconstructing techniques to find her own language. She is currently based in Brussels and is still actively touring her first solo show Only Bones v.1.6 (original conception by Thomas Monckton) as well as working on collaborative projects around Europe, including companies Les Argonauts (BE), Petri Dish (BE/SE), Cirkus Cirkör (SE), and Vaudeville by the Decavita Sisters (SE). Marina has recently completed a degree in philosophy with the University of London (2022).

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